Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Curious Case of Carol M.

I was born, I was a child, and then I became a teenager

Description of me as a teenager –
Had wild mood swings
Was Overly Emotional
Broke out in tears at any given moment
Was quick to blow up at people
Questioned everyone and everything
Had a desire to run away and just have fun
Was self centered
Was concerned about how my body looked
Was obsessed with ____ (this is a family blog)
Stayed up late
Tried to figure out who I wanted to be and what I believed.

Finally I became a responsible adult, parent, worker.
I raised my own teenagers. I survived! (Mostly)
They become responsible adults (I think)
Life is good! I can travel, enjoy Hubby, and be content!

Bam – Menopause hits!

Description of me as a Menopausal Women –
Have wild mood swings
Am overly emotional
Break out in tears at any given moment
Am quick to blow up at people
Question everyone and everything
Have a desire to run away and just have fun
Am self centered
Am concerned about how my body looks
Have an obsession with ____ (just about everything)
Stay up late (cause I can't sleep)
Trying to figure out who I am and what I believe

Uh mm...



Hey... I think life is just one big cycle!

Wait a minute. What do I have to look forward to if life is a cycle?

I quit now!

(Go see the movie "A Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons", this post will make more sense!)


  1. You have skillfully described, in a delightful and interesting way, that life is not just a cycle, but is in fact a circle. We sometimes hear the phrase "coming full circle" to describe arriving at one's starting point or to make a complete change or reform. It is interesting that the circle is a symbol of divine perfection and also a symbol of eternity. It is interesting that the creator of life describes himself as the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Our life cycle (coming full circle) then could be viewed as evidence of our divine and eternal nature. The cycle you have aptly depicted puts us on a course that is in fact a scriptural injunction: "To become as a child." What do we have to look forward to, you ask. Perhaps it is the ability to lose our pride and free ourselves from worldly teachings. As we obtain (or return to?) the humility and purity of a child, we are promised that we may inherit the Kingdom of God.

  2. You are so funny! Did you like the movie or not?
