To all of you Mothers - I hope you had a great day on Mother's Day.
My mother always said to me "Enjoy those precious little children because they grow up too quickly!" She was right!
My husband asked me what I enjoyed most about being a mother. My thoughts immediately went back to the many times I fed my babies in the middle of the night. The routine was the same for all of them. When they woke up for their feedings, the house would be so quiet and dark. After changing their diapers I would carry them into the living room where the Lazyboy chair was. There were no other distractions during these times. It was just me and my sweet little babies. As we gently rocked together, they snuggled in my arms and hungrily nursed. I loved to just gaze at their beautiful little faces. Their precious little hands so delicate and perfectly formed. I would take their tiny little fingers in mine and gently caress them. I often examined their feet, tickled their soles and rubbed their little toes. I could not help but marvel at how sweet and so very beautiful they were.
After nursing awhile, they would glance up at my face with their eyes, stop sucking and quickly pull away from my breast. For a few seconds they would just stare into my eyes as if connecting to my soul, then, for a very brief moment, they would break into the cutest wide grin. My heart would melt and for that moment, as I smiled back, my world was absolutely perfect.
6 years ago